Tony is a wretched sinner saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God
Praise God for such a beautiful day to go out and spread the good news to the world! Like most parades, over 95% of the folks we offered gospel tracts to accepted it with joy. Men & women and boys & girls were all happy to receive the gospel message on the back of a patriotic themed, business card sized gospel tract.
It was a special joy for me as a father to take my three youngest children to the parade and minister the gospel to a needy world, together as a family. Thankfully we have confidence that the Word of God will not return void. Positively, God will use it to either plant or water the gospel seed in souls. Negatively, even if people reject the message of life, God’s Word will be used to hold them more accountable on that day of judgment. Please join us in praying for lost souls to come to their senses, turn from their sins, and find Christ as their Lord and Savior.
I was doubly encouraged when after the outreach, we went back to our car and saw that some other Christians had put gospel tracts on all the cars in our parking lot! Thanks for praying for the folks that received the message of truth!

“over 95% of the folks we offered gospel tracts to accepted it with joy”
I seriously doubt this. Most people don’t care. They take a tract and throw it away.