Tony is a wretched sinner saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God
I appreciate my friend and fellow evangelist Shannon Dukes for bringing out a group of Christian workers to help spread the good news of Jesus at Cincinnati’s St. Patrick Day parade last Saturday. In total the Lord brought 27 believers for the work of the ministry. Here is Shannon’s report:
I have just finished teaching The Way of The Master Basic Training Course at our church and as a part of the course, we needed to do an outreach. As the Lord would have it, Tony had an outreach planned at the St. Patrick’s parade that timed perfectly with our class!
We joined Tony and a group of others for this event. It was the first parade outreach for many, and from the group from my church, it was the very first outreach for most. The feed back from the group was great! Our pastor said that it was a great way to ease into evangelism! Another member talked about how easy it was to give out tracts and how receptive the people were!! We had entire families participating and fathers bringing out their kids and being a role model for them in evangelism!! Of the teens and preteens with us, it would be an understatement to say they were VERY excited!! One of them also told about how easy it was to give out tracts, how receptive the people were, and overall how fun the event was!!
We were giving out a St. Patrick’s themed tract and the giant hundred dollar bills from Living Waters. As a conservative estimate, I believe we gave out tracts to 700-800 people! Some in the group were able to have great conversations with the people that received the tracts.
In our final class the following day, it was great to see the excitement and to hear the stories! I learned that a couple people in the class had some St. Patrick’s tracts left over and gave some out at a grocery store, while another gave some out at a relative’s high school basketball game!
Now we pray that the Lord provide growth to the seeds that were planted and turn people’s hearts to Him!