Tony is a wretched sinner saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God
Over the last several years, a group of various families have greatly enjoyed ministering the gospel on Christmas morning to the homeless at Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati. We provide homeless folks with coffee, hot chocolate, breakfast, lunch bags, and various articles of clothing. We hand out gospel tracts and Bibles, listen to their life stories and share the love of Christ with them. Of course, the best part of the outreach is the opportunity to minister the gospel in one on one conversations with them.
All the families that come feel blessed that we can minister with our children, first thing Christmas morning and give the gospel to those who are hurting and most in need. It’s a great way to teach our children about the preeminence of the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ. Afterwards, we go home and open up all the earthly treasures and have fun that way too.
Would you be interested in participating in this Christmas morning outreach to the homeless? In addition to breakfast drinks and donuts, we plan on handing out lunch bags with turkey or ham sandwiches, bags of Doritos, fresh fruit and a Coke or bottled water. Please let me know if you’d be able to make or bring cookies in snack bags so we can add them to the lunch bags.
If you cannot make it out on Christmas morning, but can contribute food or clothing (like gloves, jackets, shoes, socks, hats) to the outreach, please let me know.
We plan to meet from 9:00am-10:00am at 520 Vine St. near the corner of Vine and E 5th St. at Fountain Square.