Tony is a wretched sinner saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God
Praise the Lord we had a great time giving away Bibles, Hot Wheels, candy, bracelets and gospel tracts to hundreds of racing fans at the Kentucky Raceway Ministries’ (KRM) gospel booth today. Florence Speedway allows KRM to have a gospel booth outreach every weekend, which is a great opportunity to get the saving message of truth to hundreds of fans each time.
A shout out of thanks to Greg Neumeyer, elder at Torch Community Church, for coming out and distributing hundreds of gospel tracts. I praise the Lord for Greg and his faithful heart to reach the lost with the glorious gospel. He doesn’t merely have the heart, he takes the action and invests the time needed to make an impact on our lost world for Jesus. It’s such an encouragement to see believers following in the footsteps of Jesus when He said in Luke 19:10, “The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Thanks for praying!