Tony is a wretched sinner saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God
We’re going to back to Peddler’s Flea Market to share the glorious good news with shoppers this Saturday, Feb 18 from 9a to 3pm. We’ve had some of our best gospel outreaches at this outdoor flea market on 4343 Kellogg Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45226.
Below is an old Facebook post from our previous pastor, Bill Rillo. I’m so grateful for evangelistic pastors like our current pastor BJ Sanders, and Bill Rillo, who actually put into practice the gospel witnessing they teach from the pulpit.

I’ve been considering doing this and researching if others were also using flea markets to spread the good news. Could you give some insights as to what you bring with you? I.e., what’s on the table.
Hi Michael. I use Living Waters tracts that Ray Comfort sells and also lots of booklets, books, and DVDs from Answers in Genesis. Feel free to email me for more info. [email protected]
Blessings on your outreaches!