Tony is a wretched sinner saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God
A tremendous time of gospel ministry was had at our annual Tulip Gospel Outreach in Pella, IA where the organizer, Jon Niefert brought in Dr. Jason Lisle and Eddie Roman from Living Waters to equip the 75 or so Christian workers in creation apologetics and evangelism. Eddie was filming for a couple of Way of the Master episodes, so prayerfully God uses that to continue to equip and inspire Christians to share the glorious gospel.
I was privileged to lead the sharing times after we got back to the church venue from proclaiming Christ on the streets. They were sweet times of fellowship and encouragement as we heard how God used our group to reach out to the lost. Each of the team leaders had a group of 6-8 folks and it was a joy for me to instruct them in the basics of giving out gospel tracts, how to start a conversation, how to transition to the spiritual matters, etc. Stephen was also able to lead a group of young people, praise God!
An Amish father and his 16 year old daughter, who became born again and subsequently left their religious order were a part of my team. It was basically the first time they had witnessed to the lost and it was such a joy to see them leap out of their comfort zone and into the adventure of evangelism! The Lord answered so many prayers and it was a great time of fellowship and witnessing. Check out