Tony is a wretched sinner saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God
Yesterday Stephen, myself and a friend named Erik went out to share the gospel message to the folks attending a local Memorial Day parade. It was a beautiful day to share the beautiful message of truth. We passed out patriotic themed gospel tracts to hundreds of folks.
Later that night my son and I caught a late movie and afterwards were enjoying the downtown Cincinnati skyline across the Cincinnati River when suddenly a 23 year old guy came up with a video camera and asked if I would video him. I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I said of course. He then asked me if I would ask him a question and he would answer it while being video’d (turns out he has a YouTube channel). He handed me a book he wrote called “1000 Questions” and said I could use one of his or one of my own questions. So I quickly let him know I had a question of my own to ask him.
When Stephen grabbed the video recorder and started filming, I asked Justin, “Would you consider yourself a good person?” Which of course started a great gospel conversation. It turns out Justin had a Christian background, but now is more pantheistic and believes in moral relativism. He said, “I’m god, you’re god, that chair is god.” So I had the opportunity to share with him the truth about the one and only true God, the Creator God of the universe, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the Bible. We talked for over an hour and finally departed with joy.
I praise the Lord for all the opportunities God gave us this weekend for my firstborn son and I to ‘double-team’ in the work of the gospel. Thanks for praying for Justin!