Tony is a wretched sinner saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God
Over 75,000 Iowa State Fair visitors were touched by the gospel through the Answers in Genesis gospel booth. We are so grateful to God for how He is using our 400 square foot Noah’s Ark exhibit at the Iowa State Fair to reach so many with the message of truth. Around 100 volunteers came to share the good news of Jesus Christ some of the 1.1 million guests over the 11 day fair. These Christian workers were an answer to our prayers that the Lord of the harvest would raise up workers for His harvest. Jesus said, “The Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” Jesus came to seek and to save that which is lost. We had the tremendous privilege to be empowered by His Spirit and follow in His steps. Thanks so much for praying!
Here’s a picture of an atheist and her satanist cousin that we shared God’s Word with the other day.

The 29 year old atheist says she used to be a Christian and she’s concerned that her 23 year old cousin is getting into Satanism.
Here’s a little video the atheist, Natalie, did about our gospel booth.